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Donor Honor Roll

Capital Campaign Donors

Lead Major Donors $1,000,000+
Tom and Chris Glavine

Major Donors $100,000+
Dermatology Specialist | Dr. Jon Ward + Dr. Michael Stickler
Greg and Robin Crouch
Patrick and Jennifer McCarthy
St. Joe Community Foundation

Major Donors $50,000+
Jason and Kristine Beer
JW Couch Foundation
O’Connell & Associates Consulting Engineers
Kavanaugh and Celia Tucker
Brian and Shannon Widman

Leadership Donors $25,000+
The Chapel at Seaside
Brooks and Kim Stafford
Josh and Elizabeth Trapp

Leadership Donors $10,000+
Chip and Lindsay Brown

Leadership Donors $5,000+
Andy and Stacey Jordan
James and Tina Roberson

Leadership Donors $2,500+
Dirk and Lindsey Hoppe

Leadership Donors $1,000+
Robert and. Louisa Kauffmann
Gerald and  Bridey Meineke

Donor Spotlight

Dr. Rosemary Williams & Mr. David Williams

The Seaside Neighborhood School would not be here today without the foresight and determination of Dr. Rosemary Williams. She and her husband, David, have been homeowners in Seaside since 1991 and continue to spend their time here and at their home in Pennsylvania. She is the original author of the Seaside Neighborhood School and served as the school’s first principal from 1996 until 1999.  Read More