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Grades 5-8


Ashley Caylor

Ashley Caylor

Counselor, Grades 5-8

Grades 5 & 6

Unique features of our 5 - 6 academic program include:

  • English Language Arts and Social Studies combined into a 90-minute Humanities block.
  • Science and Spanish teachers loop with students; students have the same teacher in 5th and 6th grade.
  • Spanish is considered a core class and is offered every day.
  • Electives are taught in a “wheel”. Students rotate through reading, music, art, technology, and gardening.
  • Advanced math classes are offered in 6th grade.
  • Remedial courses are offered in addition to, not in lieu of, core academic classes.


Grades 7 & 8

Unique features of our 7-8 academic program include:

  • English Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science teachers loop with students for both the 7th and 8th-grade year.
  • High school credit Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 are offered to 7th and 8th graders.
  • High School credit Algebra 1 is offered to 8th-grade students.
  • Culinary class with ServeSafe CTE is offered to 8th-grade students.
  • Remedial courses are offered in addition to, not in lieu of, core academic classes. 
  • Electives are offered in semester and year-long formats based on student needs and wants.