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English Language Arts (ELA)

Courtney Davis

Courtney Davis

Middle School ELA
Janie Green

Janie Green

High School ELA
Michelle Peterson

Michelle Peterson

5th Grade English Language Arts
Kelly Trafton

Kelly Trafton

High School ELA
Robyn Wallace

Robyn Wallace

7th & 8th Grade ELA


Dana Akridge

Dana Akridge

Taylor Bell

Taylor Bell

5th & 6th Grade Math
Katrina Black

Katrina Black

Olga Davison

Olga Davison

Middle School Math
Catherine Ensch

Catherine Ensch

Algebra II & Geometry


Dr. Fay Belshe

Dr. Fay Belshe

High School Science
Ed Lyons

Ed Lyons

7th & 8th Grade Science
Annette Railey

Annette Railey

High School Science
Preston Sink

Preston Sink

Middle School Science

Social Studies

Katherine Gallagher

Katherine Gallagher

AP U.S. History, U.S. History Honors, & AP Human Geography
Leslie Kilpatrick

Leslie Kilpatrick

Middle School Social Studies
Jessica Mitchell

Jessica Mitchell

5th & 6th Grade Social Studies
Sara Pael

Sara Pael

High School Social Studies

World Languages

Weidia Coutts

Weidia Coutts

Middle School Spanish
Valeria Wallace

Valeria Wallace

High School Spanish
Leslie Wood

Leslie Wood

5th & 6th Grade Spanish

Career & Technical Education

Sharon Martin

Sharon Martin

Culinary, Gardening, & Technology
Joy Robbins

Joy Robbins

Principles of Entrepreneurship
Nick Volpe

Nick Volpe


Physical Education

Serena Richard

Serena Richard

Reading & Physical Education
Catherine Ryland

Catherine Ryland

Physical Education


Balder Saunders

Balder Saunders

Liza Snyder

Liza Snyder

Middle & High School Art

Exceptional Student Education (ESE)

Michelle Curtis

Michelle Curtis

ESE + Student Success Coordinator